Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bringing Everyone in on the Discussion

That last post was about the fine line between a healthy body image and an unhealthy one. I'd like to know what you guys think. When does self respect turn into pride, and when does recognizing a healthy need for change morph into self-deprecation? How can we escape the self-centeredness of it all? Feel free to post your reponses here or e-mail them to

Love, Steph


  1. This is a very interesting thing to think about and I would say the answer looks different for everyone.

    I find that when I am "respecting my body" or whatever we would call it, there is an element of self-quietness. Maybe some people call it "zen", but there is a peace about me. Quiet confidence. Not needing to assert who I am to the world, and not fighting tooth-and-nail to become something else. Just kind of being.

    Like, almost self-forgetfulness. What I'm going to eat or when I'm going to work out isn't this nagging thought on my mind. I don't dwell on it. I just take simple steps action when they are called for. Like when I'm at the grocery store I just get healthy stuff, or I plan for the hour between classes to be on my bike. It's not obsessive or desperate. There is forgiveness and grace when I mess up.

    I think it's good to be excited about being healthy though! Hopefully we all have good people in our lives that would help point out an unhealthy pattern also.
